The Winfield R-IV School District follows the ASCA National Model for Counselors. This methodology allows us to reach as many students as we can with positive guidance that helps students with academics, post-secondary preparation, and personal-social concerns. In essence, if there is something getting in the way of a student being successful, we provide tools and guidance to help remove those barriers, whatever they may be.
Contact your child’s School Counselor to learn more about how they can assist your child.
Caitlin Hendrix - 636-668-8195 ext. 402
Megan Berry - 636-668-8300 ext. 302
Middle School
Patricia Mix - 636-668-8001 ext. 203
High School
Heidi Bauer - 636-668-8130 ext. 239
Robert Roggerman - 636-668-8130 ext. 287